
here are some photos from my first ever roll of black and white film.
The last pic is joe and paul from 65daysofstatic.
thanks to Tom for developing and generally being too cool for an educational establishment.

music yeh

I feel the need to post this here, its definitely sorting out my revision motivation at 2am

Sick Tonight (Doctor P Remix) by le sac Vs Pip


collections in the stream

More background music for this week while you wait for the navy to come pick you up

Starkey has a new album out today titled 'ear drums and black holes', you can preveiw it or buy it over at his record label's website its a sweeet album the guy has a talent for making subtle melodies and then somehow twisting them untill your ears are nodding, the final track Fidelio is worth the price alone.

65's new album, released next week is avaliable to stream on their myspace, get your fill, they are taking over the world

oh shit! headphones

These songs are both fantastic, imminent and require heavy usage of headphones, preferably cans.

Radiohead - Kid A (dangerDAN Remix) by dangerdan_

65 Days Of Static - Crash Tactics by Sainted PR

just in time to distract you from wanting to talk about the weather and complaining about politicians.

so i take photos

rain and notes

The bankholiday is a wash-out, it's almost official. Easter appears to have become like a mini-christmas, all the being pent up inside with bad weather and the same films on television just without the mulled wine.
have some music to listen to in the background;

Fang Island - Fang Island
it's a wonderful affair, including samples of fireworks, and although the guitar parts sometimes go the wrong side of the definition of hair-metal it's totally worth it. And if you so happen to be in the US, they are touring with the middle east, woop!
The whole album is avalible to stream straight off their website

I gave it away as a free love on my radio show and I'm still listening to it, Young Jesus's debut ep
is avaliable from their website and not half bad

Death to the Throne has a vast array of remixes on his myspace, and they are all pretty good, the remix of the XX's shelter stands out, it says a lot about the band's universal appeal that they can get taken up by so many different remixes and still sound wicked, (note nosaj thing's remix)
he also has a Noah and the Whale re-mix to download for free, safe yo.

As tipped by Charlie Lodder the new Angus and Julia Stone album rocks, and they are about to tour the UK yo, go get tickets!


I always associate Easter with noise based bands, last year it was No Age, the year before Holy Fuck.
As we approach this year's break, thus appears Cool World hot outta SXSW and courtesy of the Get Off The Coast blog, go there to download 3 of their tracks.


65daysofstatic and Foals have new music coming out very soon,
one band releasing their 4th album with a cult following the other thrust into the limelight from the 1st album about to release their 2nd. both pure gifts to music.
as such here is video-based previews x

65daysofstatic - Pacify


Foals - Spanish Sahara

There is a photographer called Jonathon Mannion
who took a picture of Drake, that owns.